
The Campolina breed was formed in Entre Rios de Minas, Minas Gerais in Brazil. The breed was developed by Cassiano Campolina on his farm Fazenda Tamque. Mr. Campolina began his horse operation in 1857, however most people agree that the real development of the breed is 1870 when he received a black mare named "Medéia" from a friend. This mare was Brazilian ( Barb Blood) and was breed by a pure Andalusian stallion belonging to Mariano Procópio who had received it as a present of the emperor Dom Pedro II. Medéia gave birth to a beautiful dark gray colt, a half blood Andalusian, named "Monarca" considered the founder of the Campolina breed. He served during 25 years in the herd of "Fazenda Tanque". Since the beginning, Cassiano Campolina concentrated his work of selection and genetic improvement in obtaining animals of great brio and smooth gait. Not only Monarca but several other stallions of other breeds have also influenced significantly in the formation of the Campolina breed:
Menelike ( Anglo-Normand Breed),
Golias ( ¼ Clydesdale Breed),
Teffer ( Holsteiner Breed ),
Yanke Prince ( American Saddle Horse ),
Rio Verde ( Mangalarga Machador Breed ),

The Mangalarga Marchador breed was used with the purpose of bringing better refinement to the Campolina. In 1934 the herdbook was closed and the introduction of outside breeds was no longer accepted. The Breed Standard was created at this time and the standard was updated in 1975.

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