Why haven't I reviewed any cameras since 2012?

Due to a series of events, I was unable to perform webcam testing between December of 2009 and November of 2012.

In January 2010, we took off in our trailer for what ended up being a 6 month touring trip, returning to Clifton in late June 2010. In July, we sold our home in Clifton and left Virginia with the idea of settling down in Colorado sometime in the next 2 years. As it turned out, we found a great house in Castle Rock (just south of Denver) and moved in during January of 2011.

In Virginia my office had 2 fairly large windows. I cut out several sheets of black foam-board to fit in the windows to block out exterior light. That way I was able to perform my lighting tests anytime I wanted.

Our current house in Colorado doesn't have a single room, not even a closet, that doesn't contain large windows and/or one of 19 skylights. Therefore, trying to do webcam testing the way I did in Virginia was pretty much impossible.

In December 2011 I came up with an idea to build a half room in our cellar, kind of a TV studio, to do testing in. No windows in the cellar but it had a very uneven dirt floor and wasn't in any condition to place a desk to perform webcam tests.

Our contractor told us he would be able to start construction in late January or early Febuary, 2012. By June we were still waiting.

After several tries, we found another contractor who started work in late June. The project was almost complete by early August 2012, however, on August 9, we took off on another trip which lasted for a bit over 2 months.

December, 2011November, 2012

We returned home in late October and then, finally, we were able to complete the room. I began testing again in late November 2012.

Then, just after I had reviewd a couple of speicality cameras, I discovered that these types of webcams are no longer being developed. Smart phones, tablets and similar devices have taken over the market. As far as I can tell, there have been no new models released since 2011.

I had hoped to start reviewing IP type cameras but they are way too expensive for me to purchase. The webcams shown on these pages averaged around $50, with the top camera running about $200. As of 2012, most IP cameras are in the range of $300 to well over $1000.

These pages will remain but there will be no further reviews unless the market changes.