These are parameters, descriptions and resulting outputs to the 'ctime' function in Apache

You can place any number of the following symbols in an expression interspersed with formatting characters.
The output is acheived on your webpage using the following tag       <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->

Note that if the time zone on the server is changed, Apache may not see it until Apache is restarted.

<!--#config timefmt="%A-%B, %Y %T" --> = Friday-April, 2024 13:36:15
Value Meaning
default Friday, 26-Apr-2024 13:36:15 MDT
%a Abbreviated weekday name Fri
%A Full weekday name Friday
%b Abbreviated month name Apr
%B Full month name April
%c 'Locale' formatted date and time Fri Apr 26 13:36:15 2024
%C Default formatted date and time (no longer supported)
%d Day of month 26 (01 - 31)
%D Date as %m/%d/%y 04/26/24
%e Day of month 26 (1 - 31)
%H Hour (00 - 23) 13
%I Hour (01 - 12) 01
%j Day of year 117 (001 to 365)
%m Month of year 04 (01 - 12)
%M Minute (00 to 59) 36
%n Insert new line (no longer supported)
%p String containing AM or PM PM
%r Time as %I:%M:%S 01:36:15 PM
%R Time as %H:%M 13:36
%S Seconds (00 to 59) 15
%t Insert a TAB character (no longer supported)
%T Time as %H:%M:%S 13:36:15
%U Week number within year 16 (00 to 53) (Sunday = first day)
%w Day number 5 (0 - 6) (Sunday = 0)
%W Week number within year 17 (00 to 53) (Monday = first day)
%x Country specific date format 04/26/24
%X Country specific time format 13:36:15
%y Year within century 24 (2 digits)
%Y Year as YYYY 2024 (4 digits)
%Z Time zone name MDT