Recruiting for talent on the autism spectrum | 60 Minutes Archive

Are They Autistic? Hermione, Wednesday Addams, Lenny, Spock, Sheldon and More!

What is Autisum? Science without the gobbledygook

Sovern Citizen tries to represent himself: bad result.

Why is this video on an Autism page? While the video itself doesn't have anything to do with Autism, I think it can demonstrate one aspect of my Autism. Many people with Autism take language and sentence structure literately. In my case, I have a great deal of difficulty understanding speech when incorrect words are used in the sentence.

In this video, consider the confusion of the police officer on the stand when the Sovern Citizen (in the blue shirt and cap) asks questions that don't make since in a legal way. The officer is experiencing exactly the same "mental confusion" I get when I'm talking to someone who speaks a sentence, using some not-quite-correct words. He, or you, might be able to unscramble the meaning without thinking about it, but to me the sentence doesn't make sense.

My intent here is not to say this Sovern Citizen is making since, he's not, but to describe the "feeling" I have when confused about sentence structure in general conversation.

Why people with autism struggle with phone calls

Dave Plummer: Secrets of the Autistic Millionaire
Chapter 1: Burgers with Bill Gates